Friday, December 27, 2013

Holiday Cheer in the Blogoshere: O Christmas Tree


I am a little late joining this link up for showing off our 2013 Christmas but I am pretty proud of it.   Normally our tree is covered with black,  silver, and white ornaments but then I thought of our toddler throwing those breakable ornaments like toys.   

I had to find something that was toddler friendly and the word "shatterproof" spoke to me during my trip to Hobby Lobby.  I decided that I could spend no more than $15 to refresh our toddler safe 2013 since we already had so much nice (but very breakable) Christmas ornaments already. 

I after circling each of the Christmas aisles three times I picked out a bright blue/greenish hue to add to my silver.  I spent $4 for a new base sheet cover, $5 on ribbon to make the bow the spiral down the tree, and $6 on two boxes of mini Christmas bulbs with 18 bulbs each.

I was pretty proud of myself:

I laugh at my improve skills in trying to find something to lift the tree higher off the ground, what do you think?

Yep, those are full diaper boxes, taped together, and then the tree base taped to it too.  It isn't going anywhere on my watch!  It works for me and after Christmas I may talk myself into a clearance taller tree.

Thanks for stopping by, Holland

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Christmas Pj Party

What's cuter than all holiday pjs in the stores? Seeing them on our little minis! Today I am liking up with the Christmas pajama party.

We decorated our tree in our Christmas pjs:

I think he actually smiled because I let him stand on a chair for once....

We have a couple other pairs but haven't caught them on camera yet; we also snagged a cute pair for next year!  Again Wal-Mart $5.88 for some cute ones ranging from newborn to 5T!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Lessons from my toddler

I am organizing my photos and I keep finding some real gems....I decided to put a quote with a few and share them-here's the first:

Happy Monday everyone!


Saturday, December 7, 2013

Holiday Cheer in the Blogoshere: Merry Mantel

Today is the first of the Christmas Link-Ups that I will be participating in and the subject is Merry Mantels.

Our fireplace and mantel sit directly below the TV so we I don't have the option of switching in a seasonal print or mirror..well I could cover the TV but I am pretty sure the hubs wouldn't stand for it!  I make do with what I have and so I present our  2013 Mantel:

A stocking for each of us with our initials, the "G" stocking hanger for our last name, some beads, with a couple of extra large silver ornaments.  I added some black metal trees from Target a couple years back.

The last several years our tree has been silver and black but I inserted a turquoise this year and have yet to find a stocking I like to replace the middle red stocking.  When I do, I will insert an updated photo.

Happy holiday decorating and season to all!


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Why can't a girl get a free "who-ha" exam, it's bad enough I shouldn't have to pay too!

Twice this week I have had questions regarding an amount a doctor visit costed me and I not only spoke up twice but was right both times!

Insurance is very confusing and with Obamacare forcing some healthcare changes (won't say my beliefs on good or bad...) it won't be getting any easier.  I chose many times to go green and get electronic statements but when I had the option for my health insurance explanation of benefits papers (EOB) I declined.  I want to physically hold in my hand what was charged to insurance and what it is going to cost me.  I know I can look them up online but I wouldn't do it every time nor keep track of the whole family's appointments to look it up after each visit.  The paper versions are my best option.

I worked in Human Resources next to the benefits lady for six years and I thought I knew my plan well.  I was shocked to be told I owed $35 for a Pap smear/ women's exam.  I questioned it there at the office but was told otherwise.  It didn't sit well so today I got out my insurance book and found my answer: "pay nothing for an annual physical and covered preventive screenings."  Well I would say I went in for the exam as a preventive measure- it sure as hell wasn't for fun.  

I called the office back and after explaining and reading the some sentence to the lady four times, I was told that I would have a $35 credit on my account.  The second time was a different bill that was $21 more than normal. 

My lesson to share is don't be afraid to second guess charges, if it doesn't sit right look it up, call your insurance, and/or ask for someone else to help you- it just might save you money or get you better educated on your benefits!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Good-bye old friend...RIP pacifiers

As I sit hear writing this, my little one is screaming in his crib.  He missed his last nap and if that alone wasn't hard enough it is night number two without his pacifier.

Grant hasn't gotten his pacifier outside the crib or car seat (longer trips) since he was 11 months.  I wanted to pull the paci at one year but it didn't happen.  I was weak...and I gave in.  He isn't sleeping with with pacifier all night long just to calm down enough to fall asleep.  He will get in the crib and search for his paci, once he found it he would pop it in his mouth and lay peacefully.  

Greg and I talked about how hard it was going to be to get rid of and on the two hour drive home from Thanksgiving yesterday, I cut off the tip of his paci.  We gave it to him and watched him twist the thing around in his mouth, trying to make it fit right for 40 minutes.  It was pretty cute...I couldn't help spy on him in the mirror taking it in and out, staring at it, and twisting it around.  He cried some and fell asleep with the broken one hanging out of his mouth.  

Nap time yesterday was hard too. Fifteen minutes of crying and consoling to lay back down eventually got us a two hour nap.  The first night routine was the same bath, bed, sippy, but no paci.  Grant cried for fifteen minutes than was silent for ten...we thought he went to sleep but we got ten more minutes of soft sobs with him laying down in the crib before he slept all night.  

Day one over...not to still broke my heart to hear those cries but today I failed.  I had the opportunity to have Grant preoccupied when I dropped him off at daycare this morning and I took it.  I 
set him down and he went over to a little baby that was crying and I left without saying bye, causing a scene, or needing his teacher to peel him off of my leg crying.  

I had a plan to speak to the teacher about the no paci change and take what they had home with me....I forgot and it caused both Grant and I more pain.  He had two naps with a paci at daycare-so much for our progress yesterday!  

Fast forward bedtime right now, he spent ten minutes crying before the hubs went in, calmed him down, rubbed his back, and gave him kisses.  My sister told us just to go cold turkey and hearing him cry is hard.  I want to run in and give him a paci but know it will be a distant memory soon enough.  

The cries are louder now followed by a couple sheiks then nothing...28 minutes in now...

It's quiet now...I can't see any movement on the video monitor...hopefully this crying period will get shorter each sleep time and I can report back with some good news soon.

Thinking ahead- I'm not sure what to do in the car for longer trips, I swore I didn't want a video player but I completely understand it is probably just as good for the parents' sanity as the child!

Any suggestions welcome...

Happy December to all! 


Friday, November 29, 2013

Five on Friday Thankful Addition

Happy Friday/Post Turkey Day/ Black Friday/ Holiday Season/and anything else I missed. . .

I see a lot of people did the listing of things their thankful for on Facebook one day at a time and here are just five of mine:

1) kiddos.  Holidays are a ton of fun with little ones around too but I mean having them and expecting them.  This past week one bestie had a baby boy and another shared her pregnacy reminds me of how truly blessed we are to have them and love on the kiddos in our lives.  Most of us know at least one person that struggles with this and my heart goes out to them!

2) food.  I stumbled on the Scary Mommy Nation where you can apply to have assistance for your Thanksgiving meal or donate...reading those stories made me tear up. I am thankful that my family's biggest food delmia was which dessert to try first.  It is something I take for granted at times.

3) family. I love the calls, texts, and email planning for meeting up with family, what to bring, and what everyone is doing.  I love watching Grant play with everyone and when he is the center of attention (he is the youngest at the moment but Greg's side is having four new ones by the 2014 holidays so this is Grants year!)

4) time with friends.  Last week I was thinking that I never hear from or hear back from a good friend.  She works different hours and participates  in a lot of evening activities.  We traveled back to our hometown for Thanksgiving and went to the local bar for their famous Wednesday night tacos pre Thanksgiving.  Since no one really wants to cook the night before, this place is packed.  You share long tables with people who you vaguely remember their names and the food is great.  My friend, her husband, and parents were there!  We sat and talked for a couple hours and gave Grant to his grands then headed over to their house for board games.  We played a couple of different games and had a horrible loosing streak of guys verses girls Sequence losing 10/11 games bit had the best time (until 130am...)

5) having ways to avoid in person Black Friday shopping. The hubs and I passed by a Walmart on the way home and decided to stop in and see what they had at 630pm last night.  Parking was full into the field next door but we found a good space.  We walked in and there were no carts and lines further than we could see.  We did a look around the toy section and circled back out the door. It was madness!!!  I thankfully utilized the internet for Target, Walmart, HomeDepot, and Best Buy shopping either on Wednesday or between 130am and 3am on Thanksgiving morning (I was still up from meeting up with friends mentioned in number four!) My shopping hours may just be the early hours on Thanksgiving from now on...I got almost everything that I wanted plus  for few extra things I saw last minute!

Thanks for stopping,


Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Goeser Family 2013 Christmas Card

Thanks to the variety of cuteness on Pineterst, I had such a difficult time figuring out what I want to do as our 2013 Christmas card.  Last year we featured the sleepy Santa baby with this photo:

It was a hit and still one of my favorite photos from last year.  This year proved to be more difficult in getting our little man to stay in one place, look cute, and have a cute setting or backdrop.   I like to take my own Christmas card photo so I can print them wherever has the best deal.  This year I received to $20 off your Shutterfly card order with a separate code for free shipping, combined with the 40% off over the weekend made my 50 cards $7.19!  I don't really need 50 but I had around 38 listed so 50 gave me some extra.

In the end, I figured putting Grant in the tikes Coupe Car that he loves would get some good photos.  Another Pinterest Christmas card photo idea pin had one that inspired our card.  I really wanted to get these ordered over the weekend so when helping me neighbor unpack her tree, I grabbed the top portion and gave it a go.  

The small snow cover was perfect but the extreme cold was not.  The poor thing had on so many layers but continuously pulled hats off.  The neighbor girls were running in and out of the photo then their dog.  It was a two quick 3-5 minute sessions followed by diaper changes, tears, and screaming.  I couldn't get a thing with shadows, girls, a dog, a dripping nose, and an upset toddler.  The only photo I got a smile is the one were he is standing sideways smiling at the girls.  Out of 35 shots these three were the winners.  I hate the shadow across Grants face on the bigger picture but 2 hours of Photoshop trying, it wasn't getting any better!

I am happy with the end result, anyone would be if they saw those 10 minutes snapping photos!  The price couldn't be better and they ship today!   

Friday, November 22, 2013

Five on Friday

I am linking up with the girls for Five on Friday once again...Happy Friday to all and here we go:

1) Locks on bedroom doors. This is not for the reason you think:) I am ever so thankful to have spent my small bonus on house cleaning every other week for five Fridays.  I choose a limited amount of the house just mainly the living room, bathroom, and kitchen to have cleaned and it is surprising how stressful the night before is.  I feel I have to pick up the house before they clean...I just don't want them to pick up and clean around all the crap lying around.  So the spare bedroom has become a dumping spot for the things I give up on finding the true home when I run out of time.  I lock the door so no one will bother getting in...I wonder what they think is in that room!?

2) Staying strong with limiting Grant's gifts.  This is so hard, there are so many cute things that I think my 16 month old needs.   Walmart is having the Leapad2 for $40 starting at 8 am and I am holding firm on not breaking down and storing this for a year or two before he "needs" it.   I got Grant five things and know that 6 Aunts, 3 uncles, godparents, and his grandparents all have plans on getting him things too.  We. Just. Don't. Need. Anything.  (Repeating with every holiday ad, commercial, and car route past stores- too bad my office window looks at the mall...)

3) Thanksgiving food.  I am excited for Thanksgiving for the food.  Two years ago we were prego but not sharing yet and the repeated morning sickness before, during, and after 10 straight weeks of holiday food was not pleasant.  Last year we decided to split our holiday and have Thanksgiving dinner with my mom and 14 year old brother.  It was going to be great not having to travel until Greg and I got the flu to compete with Grant's horrible cold with sleepless nights.  Hopefully, nothing will get in the way this year!

4) Buying extra hats.  It is amazing how little boy hats disappear.  I thought I had enough but was so glad a friend mentioned keeping a bunch around was for the best.  Grant has six hats running around here somewhere and on our coldest day yet, only the smallest one could be found.  It will do for today but when I get home, I will be making a basket for his winter accessories! 

5) Warm blankets.  This time of year I throw a couple of blankets over the couch and chair to be at arms length when you need them.  I am finding out they are great for little boy tugging games and a quick fort too...

Thanks for stopping by


Friday, November 15, 2013

Five on Friday

Friday o Friday...what a long short work week! I was so happy to see the clock hit 3:30 pm so I could shut down the work computer!

Working from home yesterday and having Monday off for Veterans Day allowed me to get a head start for the holiday season and enjoyed a little relaxation tonight.  Here is my last minute five:

1) a good weekend away...A girlfriend and I got a two and a half day mini vacation down to Kansas City (3 hours away) without any kids.  Christmas shopping, a movie, bowling, lots of food, casinos, and good conversation- I don't know if it could have been any better.  It is amazing how refreshed I was at the beginning of the week.

2) infant Tylenol.  Grant came home from nana's and papas with goopey eyes, a runny nose, and crabby.  This was followed by three days of fevers, appointments, and one bad ear infection.  I wish the cuddling time was for a different reason but thank god that he could be more comfortable and get a little sleep in.

3) the stack of Christmas presents wrapped in our bedroom corner.  I have rolled out the paper and started to get ready, I think I may just put up the tree this weekend.  It went by so fast last year that I just want more time with it but I will need some tips on now to defend a tree against a 16 month old?

4) new underwear.  This sounds silly, I know.  On our trip last week, Victoria Secrets had the 7 pairs of panties for $26 with a mystery gift card worth at least $10.  I love picking out the kinds I want and each day just starts off better with cute undies on.  

5) Christmas lists delivered. After seeing my cousins get a stack of wonderful games then looking at my matching sweater (not just to my three sisters but the rest of my female cousins as well) years ago, I had to ask what happened- why did they get the good stuff?  Not to sound ungrateful, I just didn't understand so I asked.  The answer- they told the gift giver what they wanted.  Hmmm, smart idea.   I like to be surprised but have learned just to suggest a list of what I want and it's been delivered!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Five on Friday

Happy Friday and Happy November to all!!!
Returning after a much needed break to focus on other stuff for five on Friday...

1) Hiring it out...I got a couple hundred dollar bonus at work and decided to really treat myself- I hired a cleaning lady to clean my bathrooms, kitchen, and mop the hard floors!  It is only once every other week for five times (up through Christmas) but it was wonderful coming home to a mostly clean house.  I opted to stretch my money the furthest and only having the main floor done with no bedrooms to score two extra times.  They came last Friday and I have had a much better week keeping up with it all.  It is not in the budget to go past the five times unless I find a couple other things to cut but will enjoy it as long as I can.

2) Walmart baby clothes finds.  Any one else love dressing their kids up for holidays but after the first year have trouble finding them?  I have been on the hunt for cheaper non pj holiday clothes  for Grant but it is hard to find for a 15 month boy.   I have loved Walmarts faded glory onesies for $3.25 but had a hard time finding ones that are 12, 18 or 24 months.  All of the Thanksgiving wear says "my first" until visited a Walmart in Omaha and found two!  If you haven't seen their collections,  it varies by store but it is worth a look.   I scored two sets of 3t pjs for next year(s) for $6 each too... When we visit for thanksgiving I will be stopping to see what they have for Christmas.

3) Despite having a 102 fever earlier yesterday, Halloween was a hit.  It is going to be so much fun seeing holidays through Grant's eyes.  This is the first holiday that he is starting to understand there is something special going on and he is catching on too....while trick or treating being offered a basket with candy to select one- he grabbed the handle of the basket, that's our boy!

4) Yesterday marked one year of Grant going to daycare.  I can't believe that 15 week old turned into my 15 month old but I am glad he goes where he does.  During the week, they see him awake more than I do and sometimes that is hard but hearing at least three people welcome him personally and 2-5 tell him goodbye everyday warms my heart.  For those of you that care for our little ones, you are wonderful and I can't say how grateful I am (but will try with some gifts and food!)

5) Photos marked for some day.  Ok, no judgment please- these are hilarious.  My older sister got married two weekends ago and while unwrapping gifts at their house Grant found something new to play with....a twelve pack.  He enjoyed picking the cans up, throwing new things in the box, and at the end even tried to drink out of a closed can.  My baby sister sat there with her iPhone snapping photos as we giggled then posted the below.  It is nothing to frame or attach to the baby book but I am sure it will come out at his 21st or wedding day sometime in the future:

Have a great restful weekend, especially those that get to "fall back" with me on Sunday!


Friday, October 4, 2013

Five on Friday

Late night five on Friday before the night is over......linking up and sharing five things I am loving and/or thinking about right now:

1) I survived a nine day vacation with both my husband and a 14 month old! I still haven't caught up on my sleep but hopefully that is what tonight will be for.

2) While on vacation, I went shopping at a store called Ross.  We don't have these in Iowa and I love the deals you can find there.  I got Grant the cutest snow suit for $11 and a Nike hat/mitten set for $5. This momma got herself seven dresses, three shirts, and a sweatshirt for $138!  Now I have to get rid on 10 items in my closet for some hanger space (or still it from the hubs....not sure which one.)

3) Craftiness: I found this cute photo of a white pumpkin with  words scribbled all over it and fell in love.   When at Wal-mart I found this $5 white pumpkin and got to work with my sharpie marker.  I chose to make one for my sister who gets married in two-ish weeks with their names and the word love.  It was super easy and I think it turned out great.  I will be giving it a clear coat of spray paint over the weekend. 

4) Cute photos of my little one visiting his aunts in WA:

5) A planned at home day for me tomorrow.   The house is way over due for a cleaning and I got lots of bananas that are ready to be made into some bread or muffins.  

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend everyone!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Five on Friday

Happy Friday and for me "last day of work before vacation day!"  Time will tell whether I can get through today gracefully but it's Friday just the same.

I am loving...

1) I love my little man in fall pjs!  Just the cutest thing, I may need to develop a pj thing for myself....

2) My car...I had to drive my hubby's car this week and it was awful.  I don't have the best car in the world but keyless entry after a single button push is AmAzInG.  I damn near locked myself out twice, catching the door right before it closed and looked rather stupid trying to repeatedly open locked doors.  I spent a couple days fumbling to get out keys, having no access to change the radio from the steering wheel, no Bluetooth, and realized how lucky I am.  It was super hard to go backwards in car technology, could you handle it?

3) Waterbabies class at the YMCA.   I mentioned signing Grant and I up for baby swim class, we just started and it is a must do!  I know the teacher can make or break this class but our's is great- one introduction and she knows Grant.  The course encourages swim like movements by singing, playing with toys, blowing bubbles, and mirroring movements.  This may be our thing from now on.   

4) Being more comfortable in my new-ish virtual workplace.  I transitioned to a virtual workplace in June but still report to the local branch's office space with one day a week at home.  At first, it was super hard not being surrounded by your co-workers.   I have met and started talking to the people in my physical office location to support my day to day  need for adult interaction, although we don't work for the same location it is beneficial for me.   I have also started to understand the people I work with, I am able to email a joke, and my supervisor knows more about me.   Job satisfaction is definitely increasing.

5) Early morning head starts.  I have this blog post nearly ready for the link up, a load of dishes started, laundry in, dinner thawing, and just beat level 135 in candy if work could go smoothly!  Happy weekend to all!

Bonus Give AWay...I have 5 more coupon codes for 30 days of free Expecta (see last five in Friday for more details)!
  Comment below  with email and I will send them out to the first five!!!

Thanks for stopping by....

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Favorite toys 12-14 months

  I am joining the Kid Tested, Mom Approved link up is all about toys this week!

We definitely have our favorites....

With my little one it is all about being outdoors these days....and at times he doesn't make the happiest model either!

Radio flyer 4 in 1 trike from 9 months and beyond:

Step 2 wagon:

Bright stars having a ball roadster car:

The neighbors little tikes coupe car: keys: 

I loved reading all the previous links about toy favorites; Grant's Christmas just grew in the process!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Five in Friday

1) Sharing good deals:  I went to a baby fair and received several codes for a free 30 day supply of Expecta.  It is a great prenatal, post natal, and boosts milk production.  I have seven codes to email to 7 lucky readers, selected at random from comments on this post!  If you are selected, you will have to register your information and address by 9/30/2013.  

2)  Grant's first Christmas present came in the mail.  We got his first and middle name in a wooden puzzle for him to play with on Esty.  I am staying strong and not opening it until then but it is perfect!  Thanks   Webbereduproducts!

3) Fall weather- last week into mid this week here in Iowa we had temps at and near 100 degrees!  Todays forecast is in the 70s and last night I went and purchased a couple super cute 18 month onesies at Old Navy for my little one. They have a ton of new ones! 
AND I found my favorite pair of baby jeans in size 18 months!  Grant got these wonderful soft jeans by Carters and I teared up when he outgrew them.  I found them at Younkers yesterday and can't wait to see my big boy in them.  Honestly they remind me of those pajama jeans for littles, how can they be anything but comfortable!

4) Vacation in 10 days from today!  We are visiting Seattle to see my little sis and I am dreading packing for our family of three.  Any tips would be helpful!  I over pack for trips myself so I am hoping I can leave some of the nursery here in Iowa.
5) Time with the girls:  last night I walked around one store for three hours with a girlfriend and tomorrow a friend and I are headed to Omaha to see another.  I love getting to spend time with them- even with 4-5 kids running circles around us!  

Happy Friday to all!!!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Blogtember day 6

Describe a distinct moment when your life took a turn:

I am a very loyal employee.  Leaving most jobs because I moved out of that city, so the first time I left a job was a big deal.  It was my first big job post college and I had been promoted into a bigger position that a nabbed myself.  One day I was a counselor watching the manager being walked out by HR and that night I wrote the department head a letter about how I would be perfect for the job.  I got that job too, slight raise, and a pager (yes, a pager-they were behind the times until I asked for a cell instead!)

It was great for a while, I gave it everything I and soared with responsibility.  I was able to help turn things around and make some changes.  Things started to change, I was working all the time, answering on calls around the clock, and my best co-workers were all talking about leaving.  Our supervisor supported our ideas one minute and would bash them during staff meetings.

I struggled for several weeks on what to do and when one person left, it wasn't the same.  I was really unhappy and leaving without another job didn't seem like an option.  My fiancĂ© told me just to quit, go back to school, do whatever I wanted.  A couple weeks later  I turned in my papers, keys, and that stupid on call phone. 

I made a decision not to be somewhere that didn't make me happy.  I took a couple of business courses at the community college, worked a golf course, and took a temp position at a government hospital.  That decision was big for me and in turn I got on a great path in the end.  That temp job landed me an internship and six years later, I enjoy where I work and the benefits are great.

It was so hard taking that leap but I got through it.

Starburst Jellybean Vodka

During my Pinterest addiction, I have come across flavoring or infusing liquor to give it something extra.  I came across the skittle vodka and decided to try something like that with some clearance candy I got after Easter.  I picked the Starburst Red Jellybeans package for their flavors: watermelon, cherry, and strawberry.  The Skittles had to many flavors and it seemed like a bigger investment if you wanted to do any size other than the travel size and I am not to on the lemon or lime flavors.  So here is how it went down:

1)      Choosing the liquor –after standing in the liquor aisle for twenty minutes I decided on the UV plain vodka for two things.  The first was the price, $10 didn’t break the bank  not the cheapest or the most expensive since it was being doctored up anyway and second was the quality- I am not in college anymore and cheap booze hangovers aren’t for me!

2)      A third bottle- since I had three flavors of jelly beans I had to find another bottle so I can split the two liters into thirds.  I decided to only buy two bottles since I only had two packages of jellybeans and wanted the flavors to be strong.  You could always buy three bottles and three packs of jellybeans when they are in season but this wasn’t an option for me.  Lastly the jellybeans take up a good 3-4 shots worth of a bottle so if you have three full bottles, drink some first to ensure you will have enough room.  (Disclaimer--drinking excess vodka first may make the sorting of colors easier or harder in the next step…) I used an empty Captain Morgan bottle from the recycle bin and cleaned it.

3)      Sort the candies into like colors/flavors.  This was more difficult with the strawberry and watermelon jelly beans because their colors where so close but I sorted then put them under a light and picked out the ones that didn’t match the others.  In the end, I am sure there were several misplaced but it just added a little extra flavor.

4)      Equally distribute the liquor to all bottles or “make room” for the candies if you have full bottles and put all the candies into the liquor.

5)      With the lid on tight, shake the bottles to start the dissolving process.  The outside coating will start to make the color turn right away and it gets darker with time and shaking.

6)      Let sit for a couple or several days until candies reduce in size by at least half or completely dissolve (with mine, the jelly beans did not completely dissolve but the distance up the bottle from day one and day six was over half what it was in the beginning.)

7)      Find tools to strain the leftover candies and bits (I used a liquid strainer, some use a coffee filter or a cheese cloth.)  Since the candies did not completely dissolve, I did loose some vodka in the beans that were stained.  I tried one of the half dissolved beans but passed on all the others. I strained the mixture three times per bottle.

8)      Label, refrigerate and enjoy.


End results:  2 ¼ cups cherry; 2 1/8 cups watermelon; and 1 7/8 cups strawberry. 

Each of the bottles smelled great!  I was pleased with myself for trying something new and it was pretty easy too. Now who wants to come over for a drink?


Thanks for visiting, Holland