Friday, May 6, 2016

43 Life to DOs- a reminder from the past

While continuing on my path to decluttering my home, I came across this little gem:

It is titled 43 Life to dos and was handwritten.  Although I didn't date the paper, I could tell approximately how old it is. I am guessing it was written in 2007 to early 2008 range. I had read somewhere that everyone should make a list of 43 things to do in life. I started that list and first got stalled at number 30 (written in pencil) and ended up adding seven more later (in pen) for a total of 37 out of 43 blanks filled in.

Reading through this list I am pretty proud of just how many I have actually accomplished but I realize my list now would be a little different and maybe I would have a chance to get to 43.

My list:

Learn to make soft baked pretzels
Ride in a high air balloon
See Washington DC 2009 & 2015
Visit New York City 2010
Cook theme dinner party for six or more
Travel to Europe again 2008
Disneyland California 2011
Get motorcycle license
See Hawaii! 2009
Have home with whirlpool tub
Grow fruit trees in my yard
Pay off student loans 2012
Have a strawberry patch (I would now add asparagus or rhubarb too)
Alaskan cruise 2014
Learn to play golf
See New Orleans during Mardi Gras
Learn to decorate cakes 2007
Be part of a protest or right March
Plant awesome flower garden
Travel by train
Build a piece of wood furniture (wooden shelf for Kelli) 2016
Get better at pool
Laser eye surgery
Road trip with sisters (Seattle w: Lauren and Chrystal 2012) and upcoming for Chrystal's wedding Aug 2016 :)
Get mom on a cruise
Own rental property 2015
Fish in the ocean (Miami) 2014
See a volcano-2009, glacier-2014, or rain forest 2011
See whales 2009 or dolphins in the ocean
Ride in a helicopter
Have a baby 2012 & 2015
Continue with classes (Masters degree 2011)
Take a belly dancing class
Have a booth at the farmers market or craft show
Snuba or scuba diving 
Own a hybrid car
Go to a charity ball

I have added dates to my completed items- I was surprised to see 16 of them completed! Not to bad for writing the list nearly 10ish years ago and not seeing it again until now! 

I am not sure if I could get to 43 now but know could fill in a couple more blanks:

Visit a new culture 
Volunteer more
Have a special tradition with my boys 
Do a big selfless act for someone else 
Max out my TSP account for the year 
Learn to make sushi- have a dinner
Be better about recycling 

Well-that was easier than I thought! If the list was places to see, you couldn't stop me at 43!

What's on your list? Can you get to 43?

Thanks for stopping by!


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

My here and now: a list of I WANT...

I am trying to be able to do more in my life- have more time for the things I love.  I spend to much time cleaning, picking up, and running around. I hate it, I get mad at others when it seems like it is all I get done but don't get any help. I have read a couple of things lately regarding this that have hit close to home and I am working on making some changes.  

I have removed a lot from my house: empty boxes from items currently in use, owners manuals, broken items, and have moved onto weeding out excess.  There is so much more to go but I already feel better.  I am in love with the shows on TV focusing on Tiny Homes.  While I don't ever think I will  be that minimalistic- it puts a little fire under me! 

The first week in August there is 100 miles of garage sales near our house and boy have I got a pile started.  It is hard to put things aside that I might use later and pains me to see the money I spent on things just cause it was once a good deal.  I am trying to be better,  I have to be better.

I want to experience more and collect less. 

I want nicer essentials rather than a lot of random things.

I want to be less stressed.

I want the time to enjoy my little family in the present.

I want more girlfriend time.

I want to be happier overall.

I want to be healthier.

I want to make more progress and it starts here- writing it down, saying it to the world so thanks for listening.
