Wednesday, May 4, 2016

My here and now: a list of I WANT...

I am trying to be able to do more in my life- have more time for the things I love.  I spend to much time cleaning, picking up, and running around. I hate it, I get mad at others when it seems like it is all I get done but don't get any help. I have read a couple of things lately regarding this that have hit close to home and I am working on making some changes.  

I have removed a lot from my house: empty boxes from items currently in use, owners manuals, broken items, and have moved onto weeding out excess.  There is so much more to go but I already feel better.  I am in love with the shows on TV focusing on Tiny Homes.  While I don't ever think I will  be that minimalistic- it puts a little fire under me! 

The first week in August there is 100 miles of garage sales near our house and boy have I got a pile started.  It is hard to put things aside that I might use later and pains me to see the money I spent on things just cause it was once a good deal.  I am trying to be better,  I have to be better.

I want to experience more and collect less. 

I want nicer essentials rather than a lot of random things.

I want to be less stressed.

I want the time to enjoy my little family in the present.

I want more girlfriend time.

I want to be happier overall.

I want to be healthier.

I want to make more progress and it starts here- writing it down, saying it to the world so thanks for listening.


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