Friday, May 10, 2013

Blog challenge Day 3: Things that make you uncomfortable

Day 3: Things that make you uncomfortable

What makes me uncomfortable?

Well, having a child has made my personal space bubble stretch but it is still there! I feel uncomfortable when I am "exposed" in one way or another like when my baby pulls down my shirt to pull himself up, going to the bathroom had having someone else came in (kid excluded), or when your in laws (super excited about their first grand baby) rush into the delivery room to soon as I was being stitched up spread eagle. I am not ok with being surprised in those moments, this will fade as I get more parenting under my belt but right now, I will not choose you to see me breast feed so close you can comment on my son's funny faces.

Being uncomfortable when a lady asked how old my baby was followed by "he has such a nice shaped head, did you have him vaginally?" UNCOMFORTABLE! Why would it be ok for a stranger to ask me about my vagina?!

It also makes me uncomfortable watching a birthing video in parenting class sitting next to a guy friend from high school that I hadn't seen in ten years...flash back to sex education.

There are other things but this is a big one for me!

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