Friday, September 6, 2013

Five on Friday

UIt is is FRIDAY!

Hey, everyone it is time for the weekly Five on Friday link up.

1) Grant had some birthday money sent his way and even with half of it going to the bank there was enough for this: Radio Flyers 4 in 1 Trike!  Disclaimer: it is a little difficult to put together because there are different directions for the four options but my mom figured it out while the hubs and I watched.  She wanted to do it so we let her.  Grant love this thing and somewhere I have a lost memory card full of pics to prove it.  For now you will have to settle for the advertisement photo.  A co- worker had  her granddaughter's second birthday this past weekend and I told her all about it.  She instantly fell in love with the pink version and her little one was tickled.  The best part is it is great for the middle stage were they don't want the stroller but can't walk everywhere you need to go.  The price is $90 but the age range and usage is well worth it for us.

2) I have been to the gym during or after lunch everyday since I found out my work building has a free mini gym.  I am only walking a mile and a half at most but I feel so energized after it without feeling Grant's spending to much excess time at daycare.  Side note: I watched Jeopardy and got six right in a row! 

3) I nearly cried yesterday...I pulled into Target to return something on my lunch and there was a van with the side doors open.  There was a two-ish year old napping in his carseat while the mother read a book with the front windows down, on the hood was written: homeless family anything will help.  I had two boxes of cereal for Grant's daycare in the back that I passed into the window on my way in and the lady said "God bless you."  I walked in the store but couldn't get my mind around what the family is going through and that little boy...  I exchanged what I had for a 3t shirt, hat, and shorts for the boy to give her on my way out but was it enough?!?  I felt guilty eating my $5 sandwich not knowing if they had eaten anything at all.  It was a good reminder for me to count my blessings but I still am thinking about that little perspective has shifted being a mom with a little one not that far off in age.

4) On a lighter note...Anyone else seen the show Real Dads? I have only seen the first episode but one of them said something that I keep replaying in my mind... "You never know what will happen with minute everything is fine and the next the baby pulls a knife on you from the dishwasher!!!"  I about had my glass of water come out my nose when I heard that, it is so true and I has happened to me.   I giggle just thinking about it now, no one on the show or at my house was hurt but sadly it's happened here.  It is good to know that I am not alone...

5) Football days, tailgating, and Iowa Hawkeyes gear-here our my favorite photos from last year, including baby tailgating...

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