Friday, September 20, 2013

Five on Friday

Happy Friday and for me "last day of work before vacation day!"  Time will tell whether I can get through today gracefully but it's Friday just the same.

I am loving...

1) I love my little man in fall pjs!  Just the cutest thing, I may need to develop a pj thing for myself....

2) My car...I had to drive my hubby's car this week and it was awful.  I don't have the best car in the world but keyless entry after a single button push is AmAzInG.  I damn near locked myself out twice, catching the door right before it closed and looked rather stupid trying to repeatedly open locked doors.  I spent a couple days fumbling to get out keys, having no access to change the radio from the steering wheel, no Bluetooth, and realized how lucky I am.  It was super hard to go backwards in car technology, could you handle it?

3) Waterbabies class at the YMCA.   I mentioned signing Grant and I up for baby swim class, we just started and it is a must do!  I know the teacher can make or break this class but our's is great- one introduction and she knows Grant.  The course encourages swim like movements by singing, playing with toys, blowing bubbles, and mirroring movements.  This may be our thing from now on.   

4) Being more comfortable in my new-ish virtual workplace.  I transitioned to a virtual workplace in June but still report to the local branch's office space with one day a week at home.  At first, it was super hard not being surrounded by your co-workers.   I have met and started talking to the people in my physical office location to support my day to day  need for adult interaction, although we don't work for the same location it is beneficial for me.   I have also started to understand the people I work with, I am able to email a joke, and my supervisor knows more about me.   Job satisfaction is definitely increasing.

5) Early morning head starts.  I have this blog post nearly ready for the link up, a load of dishes started, laundry in, dinner thawing, and just beat level 135 in candy if work could go smoothly!  Happy weekend to all!

Bonus Give AWay...I have 5 more coupon codes for 30 days of free Expecta (see last five in Friday for more details)!
  Comment below  with email and I will send them out to the first five!!!

Thanks for stopping by....

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Favorite toys 12-14 months

  I am joining the Kid Tested, Mom Approved link up is all about toys this week!

We definitely have our favorites....

With my little one it is all about being outdoors these days....and at times he doesn't make the happiest model either!

Radio flyer 4 in 1 trike from 9 months and beyond:

Step 2 wagon:

Bright stars having a ball roadster car:

The neighbors little tikes coupe car: keys: 

I loved reading all the previous links about toy favorites; Grant's Christmas just grew in the process!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Five in Friday

1) Sharing good deals:  I went to a baby fair and received several codes for a free 30 day supply of Expecta.  It is a great prenatal, post natal, and boosts milk production.  I have seven codes to email to 7 lucky readers, selected at random from comments on this post!  If you are selected, you will have to register your information and address by 9/30/2013.  

2)  Grant's first Christmas present came in the mail.  We got his first and middle name in a wooden puzzle for him to play with on Esty.  I am staying strong and not opening it until then but it is perfect!  Thanks   Webbereduproducts!

3) Fall weather- last week into mid this week here in Iowa we had temps at and near 100 degrees!  Todays forecast is in the 70s and last night I went and purchased a couple super cute 18 month onesies at Old Navy for my little one. They have a ton of new ones! 
AND I found my favorite pair of baby jeans in size 18 months!  Grant got these wonderful soft jeans by Carters and I teared up when he outgrew them.  I found them at Younkers yesterday and can't wait to see my big boy in them.  Honestly they remind me of those pajama jeans for littles, how can they be anything but comfortable!

4) Vacation in 10 days from today!  We are visiting Seattle to see my little sis and I am dreading packing for our family of three.  Any tips would be helpful!  I over pack for trips myself so I am hoping I can leave some of the nursery here in Iowa.
5) Time with the girls:  last night I walked around one store for three hours with a girlfriend and tomorrow a friend and I are headed to Omaha to see another.  I love getting to spend time with them- even with 4-5 kids running circles around us!  

Happy Friday to all!!!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Blogtember day 6

Describe a distinct moment when your life took a turn:

I am a very loyal employee.  Leaving most jobs because I moved out of that city, so the first time I left a job was a big deal.  It was my first big job post college and I had been promoted into a bigger position that a nabbed myself.  One day I was a counselor watching the manager being walked out by HR and that night I wrote the department head a letter about how I would be perfect for the job.  I got that job too, slight raise, and a pager (yes, a pager-they were behind the times until I asked for a cell instead!)

It was great for a while, I gave it everything I and soared with responsibility.  I was able to help turn things around and make some changes.  Things started to change, I was working all the time, answering on calls around the clock, and my best co-workers were all talking about leaving.  Our supervisor supported our ideas one minute and would bash them during staff meetings.

I struggled for several weeks on what to do and when one person left, it wasn't the same.  I was really unhappy and leaving without another job didn't seem like an option.  My fiancĂ© told me just to quit, go back to school, do whatever I wanted.  A couple weeks later  I turned in my papers, keys, and that stupid on call phone. 

I made a decision not to be somewhere that didn't make me happy.  I took a couple of business courses at the community college, worked a golf course, and took a temp position at a government hospital.  That decision was big for me and in turn I got on a great path in the end.  That temp job landed me an internship and six years later, I enjoy where I work and the benefits are great.

It was so hard taking that leap but I got through it.

Starburst Jellybean Vodka

During my Pinterest addiction, I have come across flavoring or infusing liquor to give it something extra.  I came across the skittle vodka and decided to try something like that with some clearance candy I got after Easter.  I picked the Starburst Red Jellybeans package for their flavors: watermelon, cherry, and strawberry.  The Skittles had to many flavors and it seemed like a bigger investment if you wanted to do any size other than the travel size and I am not to on the lemon or lime flavors.  So here is how it went down:

1)      Choosing the liquor –after standing in the liquor aisle for twenty minutes I decided on the UV plain vodka for two things.  The first was the price, $10 didn’t break the bank  not the cheapest or the most expensive since it was being doctored up anyway and second was the quality- I am not in college anymore and cheap booze hangovers aren’t for me!

2)      A third bottle- since I had three flavors of jelly beans I had to find another bottle so I can split the two liters into thirds.  I decided to only buy two bottles since I only had two packages of jellybeans and wanted the flavors to be strong.  You could always buy three bottles and three packs of jellybeans when they are in season but this wasn’t an option for me.  Lastly the jellybeans take up a good 3-4 shots worth of a bottle so if you have three full bottles, drink some first to ensure you will have enough room.  (Disclaimer--drinking excess vodka first may make the sorting of colors easier or harder in the next step…) I used an empty Captain Morgan bottle from the recycle bin and cleaned it.

3)      Sort the candies into like colors/flavors.  This was more difficult with the strawberry and watermelon jelly beans because their colors where so close but I sorted then put them under a light and picked out the ones that didn’t match the others.  In the end, I am sure there were several misplaced but it just added a little extra flavor.

4)      Equally distribute the liquor to all bottles or “make room” for the candies if you have full bottles and put all the candies into the liquor.

5)      With the lid on tight, shake the bottles to start the dissolving process.  The outside coating will start to make the color turn right away and it gets darker with time and shaking.

6)      Let sit for a couple or several days until candies reduce in size by at least half or completely dissolve (with mine, the jelly beans did not completely dissolve but the distance up the bottle from day one and day six was over half what it was in the beginning.)

7)      Find tools to strain the leftover candies and bits (I used a liquid strainer, some use a coffee filter or a cheese cloth.)  Since the candies did not completely dissolve, I did loose some vodka in the beans that were stained.  I tried one of the half dissolved beans but passed on all the others. I strained the mixture three times per bottle.

8)      Label, refrigerate and enjoy.


End results:  2 ¼ cups cherry; 2 1/8 cups watermelon; and 1 7/8 cups strawberry. 

Each of the bottles smelled great!  I was pleased with myself for trying something new and it was pretty easy too. Now who wants to come over for a drink?


Thanks for visiting, Holland

Friday, September 6, 2013

Blogtember Day Four

Friday, September 6: A story about a time you were very afraid.

A time when I was afraid:  I lived in a big old country house growing up, sometime around age 14-16 I lit one of my girle perfumed candles in a warmer and fell asleep.  When I woke up the candle flames were burning tall around the outside of the tart warmer and there was lots of black smoke coming off of the warmer (not necessarily filling the room but it was a big deal at the moment.) I tried to blow it out but it was getting out of control so I grabbed an empty candy tin, put it over the top, and closed the lid.  Not too smart of a reaction as I sprayed melted wax everywhere and now was holding a super hot piece of metal so I ran into the bathroom; not to throw it in the sink, bath tub, or even the toilet but out the door which led to the metal patio roof.  

It was super scary trying to figure out how to put a fire out before it got out of hand.  To make matters worse, the collectors tin was ruined and sitting on a metal sloping roof.  A couple weeks later, I decided it was a good time to collect it off the roof.  While talking on a chordless phone, I stepped out on the wet metal roof, fell on my ass, and slid right past that stupid tin to the ground. It was only one story and honestly I don't remember getting hurt; what I remember was retrieving the phone and telling the person that I just fell off the roof - nothing else.   I guess that moment wasn't as scary as nearly burning my house down with a stupid candle.  Guess who doesn't burn candles at her house, yeah ME!

Five on Friday

UIt is is FRIDAY!

Hey, everyone it is time for the weekly Five on Friday link up.

1) Grant had some birthday money sent his way and even with half of it going to the bank there was enough for this: Radio Flyers 4 in 1 Trike!  Disclaimer: it is a little difficult to put together because there are different directions for the four options but my mom figured it out while the hubs and I watched.  She wanted to do it so we let her.  Grant love this thing and somewhere I have a lost memory card full of pics to prove it.  For now you will have to settle for the advertisement photo.  A co- worker had  her granddaughter's second birthday this past weekend and I told her all about it.  She instantly fell in love with the pink version and her little one was tickled.  The best part is it is great for the middle stage were they don't want the stroller but can't walk everywhere you need to go.  The price is $90 but the age range and usage is well worth it for us.

2) I have been to the gym during or after lunch everyday since I found out my work building has a free mini gym.  I am only walking a mile and a half at most but I feel so energized after it without feeling Grant's spending to much excess time at daycare.  Side note: I watched Jeopardy and got six right in a row! 

3) I nearly cried yesterday...I pulled into Target to return something on my lunch and there was a van with the side doors open.  There was a two-ish year old napping in his carseat while the mother read a book with the front windows down, on the hood was written: homeless family anything will help.  I had two boxes of cereal for Grant's daycare in the back that I passed into the window on my way in and the lady said "God bless you."  I walked in the store but couldn't get my mind around what the family is going through and that little boy...  I exchanged what I had for a 3t shirt, hat, and shorts for the boy to give her on my way out but was it enough?!?  I felt guilty eating my $5 sandwich not knowing if they had eaten anything at all.  It was a good reminder for me to count my blessings but I still am thinking about that little perspective has shifted being a mom with a little one not that far off in age.

4) On a lighter note...Anyone else seen the show Real Dads? I have only seen the first episode but one of them said something that I keep replaying in my mind... "You never know what will happen with minute everything is fine and the next the baby pulls a knife on you from the dishwasher!!!"  I about had my glass of water come out my nose when I heard that, it is so true and I has happened to me.   I giggle just thinking about it now, no one on the show or at my house was hurt but sadly it's happened here.  It is good to know that I am not alone...

5) Football days, tailgating, and Iowa Hawkeyes gear-here our my favorite photos from last year, including baby tailgating...

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Day 3 Blogtember....

Blogtember Day 3. Pass on some useful advice or information you learned and always remembered. 

My piece of useful advice is "if is not going to matter in a couples of days,  weeks, or months it is not worth worrying about and if it means that much say some thing about it now not later."

I get told that I seem calm, cool, and collected all the time.  It's not true, my blood can sure boil, I take a minute (or hour) and move on.  There are some things that will stay with you for longer but after its over, it feels so good to have moved on.  I know it is easier said than done but tell the husband to take his turn cooking dinner or you work outside the house too instead of loosing sleep throwing mental darts at him or worse hoping that he steps on some Legos (yeah those things hurt...)

It's not much but it's what I got!  Now if I could follow it perfectly, happy thoughts...

(I guess what we all really need to have a good time is a yard stick, bucket, and light up wand anyway.)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Blogtember Day 2: three months off...

Day Two of BlogtemberIf you could take three months off from your current life and do anything in the world, what would you do?

If I could spend three months off anywhere in the world (no limits on expenses, dream big right?)

I would take my family to Italy, live outside a city  where we could relax with some ocean or mountain views  and take mini trips to Venice, Rome, Florence, and other wonderful cities.  I would take cooking lessons and make pasta from scratch.  The hubby would get to see all the old architecture that Italy's history could offer.  We would let Grant experience another world and teach him to say pizza, pasta, cheese, and gelato.  We would walk some cobble streets and eat our weight in gelato. 

Here is a photo from my last trip to Italy with a girlfriend, I just want to share it all with my family!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Day 1: Blogtember Link up over at Story of My Life

Tuesday, Sept. 3: Describe where or what you come from. The people, the places, and/or the factors that make up who you are.

In May, I got half way through the blogging challenge in May and despite "falling off the bandwagon" it got me blogging more.  Jenni at I am going to give it another try, not promising every day but here it goes....

Day 1:

Tuesday, Sept. 3: Describe where or what you come from. The people, the places, and/or the factors that make up who you are.

I am a Nebraska born, Iowa raised thirty year old wife and mamma of one.  I grew up with one older sister and two younger sisters (and a baby brother who come along in high school) on an acreage in the middle of no where.  Growing up 1.25 miles north of a town with 8-12 houses, we thought we were pretty special when we rode our bikes to the only place to buy a pop-an old pop machine in front of a place that sold gain.

This town has an old bath tub with a sign that says "community pool" and with no business other than a gain bin storage facility-it was a great place to make some memories.  Our father would let us drive home from the corner which meant monitored steering but to a young girl it felt like you owned the world. 

With one other house on our road, it didn't make for an eventful neighborhood trick or treating at Halloween but we had a lot of freedom and performed a lot of "child labor."  I don't remember really eating out until my mom was pregnant with my little brother and had a "McDonalds" phase.  I remember having to make our own fun: jumping out of the barn window, playing in creeks, picking fruit of trees, riding our bikes, and playing in the attic.

My dad was mechanic that made sure his girls knew how to change their own oil or a flat tire.  We got our first jobs shortly after turning 14 and worked for the right to have a car.  Because of all this, I grew up knowing I could be independent.