There has been a lot going on lately around my house, not just chasing around after a 1 year old, so much so that I got home yesterday from getting Grant at daycare, found out that the hubs wasn't gonna be around for dinner, made pancakes for the two of us, and we laid down at 615 pm. I woke up at 10pm briefly and decided not to get up. Grant and I's short nap turned into an all nighter!
I can't believe the husband didn't wake me up but he probably thought we were both down for the night.
I got up at 1230 am and gave him a sippie when he stirred but wow, 11 hours of sleep!
I can't remember a day like that, maybe when I was pregnant once but college for sure.
Anyway, I am going on a work trip next week and should be able to post a little more since there is so many topics I have in my mind.
Stay tuned for:
Our living room makeover with lots of painting help from Jodee; my neighbor Teresa hang the wall designs for me (she did great!), I have a huge collection of stuff that the hubby refuses to hang on the walls.
Grant's first birthday party wrap up.
And my first of my "baby item this verses that" where I want to share the mommy knowledge I have gained over the past year, pros and cons of similar items from my perspective (I would love comments on other opinions/options too!)
Below is the only photo I have from the party on my iPad so far but it is a great one. I don't know where this face came from but I have seen it a lot lately. I will have to do a collage to show you what I mean. Here is some of the cake smashing goodness....doesn't the photo scream "don't even think about taking my cake away!!!" Or simply-"it's mine, BACK OFF!"
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